Tiers are layers of a wedding veil.
A Blusher is the top layer worn over the face during the wedding ceremony.
1 Tier Veils are single layer veils. 1 tier wedding veils can be transparent enough for the details of wedding gowns to show through. The single layer also makes them more manageable at beach weddings and outdoor weddings. A 1 tier veil is a light simple veil.
Find inspiration from 1 Tier Veils we’ve made.
Most tiered veils are gathered across the top and spread out at the bottom. However there are a couple styles that are different, birdcage veils and mantilla veils.
Birdcage Veils are short 1 tier veils shaped like a birdcage. This 1 tier veil is worn over the face like a blusher, but it’s never flipped back like a regular tiered veil would be. A birdcage veil is usually made of French netting in a shape that curves in to fit to your face. A vintage look can be achieved with a these retro veils, so they work well with wedding gowns that have a classic look.
Find inspiration from Birdcage Veils we’ve made.
Mantilla Veils are flat circle or oval 1 tier veils that are not gathered (if desired they can be gathered just a little). Mantilla veils are of Spanish origin. Since mantilla veils are not gathered they really let the details on the back of wedding gowns show through. Drop veil is another name for a mantilla because part of the veil can be placed over the face for a blusher and then folded back after the ceremony. We have also added removable blushers to mantilla veils, just send us a request for a mantilla with a detachable blusher.
Find inspiration from Mantilla Veils we have made.
2 Tier Veil can be a blusher veil. If you want to use the shorter layer as a blusher, it can be worn over the face for the ceremony and then flipped back after. Two layers add extra fullness. Double layer wedding veils add interest to wedding gowns. The long tier can be detachable which will allow easier movement at the reception, especially nice for long veils.
Find inspiration for 2 tier veils we have made.
3 Tier Veil triple layers give it even more body. Also a blusher veil. Triple layered bridal veils have the fullest effect. This layering looks great with many types of wedding gowns. As a blusher veil it still has a layered look even when the blusher is down. All the layers and gathering can get bulky at the top, but we have to ways to tame the bulk. The longest tier (or tiers) can be detachable. You can have more than 3 tiers. We’ve made a 4 tier veil and even a 5 tier veil, request more tiers.
Find inspiration from 3 tier veils we have made.